David is available by phone, email, and face-to-face if you’re based in the Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego area.
If you’re interested in working with David on a logo design, UI, brochure or overall look and feel project, you may contact him by:
Email: david.morin@getapowerplay.com
Phone: 714-277-4061 x113
Skype: david-morin
You may also follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Get_A_Powerplay
Please answers the following questions prior to the introductory meeting. This form, supplement with additional material as necessary, will help ensure to get the basic creative and positioning information needed when starting an assignment.
Project objective. What is the purpose of the project? Examples: raise market awareness by 25%, educate existing customers, enthuse salespeople, upgrade the company image, meet a legal requirement, build company loyalty or esprit de corps. A creative approach should be developed around a primary and secondary objective only; no creative vehicle can be expected to accomplish more.
Target audience. Who are the reader/viewers/customers? Determine, sex, age, job titles, social/economic condition, employment, geographic concentration. Are they already knowledgeable about the product, or not? What motivates them?
Product description. What are its features? Ask about specifications, components, manufacture, delivery, and other marketing efforts. How is it used in everyday application? What is it that’s different, unusual, or unique?
Customer (user) benefits. How will he or she be better off? Does it save time, efforts, money? If so, how much? How relatively important is this to the customer? What are the trade offs (example: higher quality usually means higher price)? Determine all benefits, but rank them-Concentrate on the one the one or two strongest. Be as objective and specific as possible. Support for benefits claims. Ask for the proof of benefits: test data, focus group, reports, user testimonials. Accept only facts, not opinions, only specifics, not generalizations. If possible, get information that is quantifies.
Competition. What similar product/services are available and how good are they? Get names, specifications, prices, good and bad features. Insist on objectivity, not opinions.
Creative consideration. What limitations or constraints do you have? For example: budget, schedule, size, paper, use of color, number of photographs/illustrations, corporate standards, personal likes/dislikes. Where will complementary creativity ( writing/design /illustration/photographs) come from?
Distribution. Where will the ad run, the brochure be distributes, the mailer mailed? How does the distribution affect budget, creative time, use of color, and mechanical requirement?
Most important point. Most communications leaves only one overall impression. “If you could choose only one thing the reader/viewer would remember, what would it be?” Make this the primary focus of the creative concept.